Top parts from Masters of Scale with Eric Schmidt of Google/Alphabe‪t | thatpart

Top parts from Masters of Scale with Eric Schmidt of Google/Alphabe‪t


We take a look at one of the most influential companies of all time, Google. Eric Schmidt was Google’s CEO from 2001 to 2011 and more recently left the board of Google’s parent company Alphabet after 18 years. Additionally he serves on the Defence Department’s innovation board and is a visiting innovation fellow at MIT. So he may know one or two things about scaling… Eric Schmidt goes in depth with Reid in this episode on innovation, decision making, hiring and knowing when to scale.

Here are our favourite parts:

Eric Schmidt on giving employees a nudge to purse ideas, and innovation. Fuelling that creativity can really be beneficial.

Eric Schmidt on quick decision making, 20% time and not giving up. This part is highly interesting as it shows the speed of the decision making process is one of the things that has made Google where it is today.

Knowing when to scale globally. This is one of the hardest things for founders.

Hiring the right kind of people at Google. Although this should come with a warning, not every startup or founder is going to be able to hire the calibre mentioned in this part, but Eric Schmidt still gives an idea into the key characteristics for Google.

Pursuing inquisitiveness is essential for any company. This example Eric Schmidt tells the audience just highlights the importance of it.

Although this strictly isn’t Eric Schmidt at all, Dharmesh Shah Founder of Github, features for a snippet and it was too good to leave out. He talks on thinking like a customer.

To listen to the full episode:


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